Thursday, February 24, 2011

Random Thought

Rachel is sick and I have been working a ton still so not much to report on the baby front.  The big 20 week appointment is Monday.  Hope we don't accidentally see genitals on the ultrasound!

I used to think that without a doubt, if given one superpower, I would choose invisibility.  But if given the choice now, I think I would take the ability to make my dog crap on command.  Invisibility wouldn't stop me from getting pelted with frozen rain (or as some people call it, "snow") while Karl sniffs every square inch of yard we have 7 times before finding the ideal spot.  And he has also taken up the habit of peeing in the snow, sniffing around somewhere else, then coming back to the spot he just peed in and sniffing it inquisitively.  Either he has the shortest memory on earth or is fascinated by the smell of his own urine (and it's not like we feed him asparagus).  I mention this, because although Karl is kind of disgusting, at least he does all of this outside...  I'm pretty sure I won't be allowed to take Zia to the back yard every time I think she has to go. 

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