Thursday, April 14, 2011


On Monday, we officially move into the third trimester, and I have to say, thus far this has been a little too easy.  Scarily so.  To date, we've had no morning sickness, no weird cravings, and no emotional breakdowns.  I was a little nervous about the last one, due primarily to a rousing monologue I received from a parent I know when we first announced the pregnancy:

"Oh you poor, poor sap.  You have no idea what you are in for.  You are probably strutting around thinking 'hey, this is great, my wife being pregnant means no PMS for 9 months!' and let me tell you, that is true.  But unfortunately PMS crazy will be replaced by pregnancy crazy.  And once you experience pregnancy crazy, you'll be BEGGING to go back to PMS crazy. PMS crazy is a kitten, and pregnancy crazy is what would happen if Mke Tyson snorted his body weight in crystal meth then mated with a snow leopard.  So you enjoy your PMS-free 9 months, rookie.  Just remember me when you are getting screamed at because there are too many ice cubes in your wife's drink."

So I really was expecting the worst, but it's been great thus far.  We still have some work to do on Zia's room ("we" being everybody except us), but a lot of progress has been made and we may even be done this weekend if all goes our way.  Most of the furniture has been ordered, and we registered for all the crap we probably don't need, so I think we are in good shape.  The one unknown is which daycare Zia will be attending.  Turns out it is easier to get into Harvard than a quality daycare.  Not sure how to bribe these places (is booze inappropriate?), so if anyone has any suggestions on how to move up the waiting lists, please let me know.

There has also been some jockeying in the God Parent standings, some subtle, some not so subtle.  Just remember, we can be bought!

So we are 2/3rds of way there, and so far its been smooth sailing.  Maybe I am jinxing myself and the 3rd trimester will be a mess, but right now, we are just waiting...

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